X-Posure: 16 Nov 2024

Artist - Song - Link

Twin City - Simple Melody - https://followtwincity.bandcamp.com/
Wallice - Hardest Working Man Alive - https://www.instagram.com/wallice/
Wasia Project - Somebody Come Through - https://wasiaproject.com/
Red Telephone - Sentimental Dreaming - https://redtelephoneband.bandcamp.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] Sweets - Buttah - https://www.instagram.com/sweetconnector/
Katie Malco, Soak - Babette - https://katiemalco.com/
Ben Brown - Blue - https://benbrownofficial.bandcamp.com/
          [Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Ben Brown part 1]
[Live Studio Guest] Ben Brown - Let Go - https://benbrownofficial.bandcamp.com/
          [Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Ben Brown part 2]
Porridge Radio - God Of Everything Else - https://porridgeradio.com/
          [Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Ben Brown part 3]
[Live Studio Guest] Ben Brown - Kathmandu - https://benbrownofficial.bandcamp.com/
          [Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Ben Brown part 4]
Wunderhorse - Rain - https://wunderhorseband.com/
          [Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Ben Brown part 5]
[Live Studio Guest] Ben Brown - Dancing With Our Eyes Closed - https://benbrownofficial.bandcamp.com/
          [Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Ben Brown part 6]
Ben Brown - Radio On - https://benbrownofficial.bandcamp.com/
Abstract Crimewave, Chrissie Hynde - The Longest Night - https://abstractcrimewave.bandcamp.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Men An Tol - NW1 - https://www.facebook.com/menantollondon/
[X-Posure Big One] Westside Cowboy - I've Never Met Someone I Could Really Love (Until I Met You) - https://www.westsidecowboy.com/
Benefits - Relentless - https://www.benefitstheband.com/
Lxstboy - FOMO - https://www.areyoulostlikeme.com/
Ratbag - Pinky Girl - https://www.worldofratbag.com/
W.H. Lung - Flowers In The Rain - https://www.whlungmusic.com/
Sophie Kilburn - Hot Minute - https://www.sophiekilburn.com/
Medium Build - Dad's 4Runner - https://www.mediumbuildmusic.com/
The Rills - Mistake - https://rills.bandcamp.com/
Ist Ist - Lost My Shadow - https://www.ististmusic.com/
Jagged Baptist Club - Blow Dry Nation - https://www.jaggedbaptistclub.com/
Amyl And The Sniffers - Doing In Me Head - https://www.amylandthesniffers.com/
Alien Chicks - Babe - https://www.instagram.com/alienchicksband/
Yemen Blues - Only Love Remains - https://yemenblues.com/
Bananagun - Brave Child Of A New World - https://www.bananagunoz.com/
Piglet - For Frank Forever - https://9-piglet-9.bandcamp.com/
Billy Reeves - Dear Life - https://youtu.be/RNIV3UhTM3s/
Fightmilk - Paddling Pool - https://fightmilkisaband.bandcamp.com/
Kim Deal - A Good Time Pushed - https://www.kimdealmusic.com/
Ocean Alley - Tangerine - https://oceanalley.com.au/
The Avelons - Blondie - https://www.facebook.com/The.Avelons/
Jekyll - Plasticine - https://www.facebook.com/Jekyllband/
Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds - Frogs - https://www.nickcave.com/