X-Posure Daily: 24 Oct 2024
Artist - Song - Link
Parcels - Leaveyourlove - https://www.parcelsmusic.com/Born At Midnite - Hearts Working Overtime - https://bornatmidnite.bandcamp.com/
Racecar - Wolf - https://www.instagram.com/racecar.band/
Sharon Van Etten, The Attachment Theory - Afterlife - https://www.sharonvanetten.com/
Sophie Kilburn - Hot Minute - https://www.sophiekilburn.com/
Balancing Act - She Plays The Theremin - https://balancingactband.co.uk/
Total Tommy - Spider - https://www.instagram.com/total_tommy/
The Tubs - Freak Mode - https://thetubs.bandcamp.com/
Wull - In The Dawn - https://www.instagram.com/wullband/
Do Nothing - Summer Of Hate - https://donothingband.com/
Razorlight - Empire Service - https://www.razorlightofficial.com/
Blood Wizard - Devil Dressed In Disguise - https://www.instagram.com/bloodwizrd/
Amyl And The Sniffers - Jerkin' - https://www.amylandthesniffers.com/
Hazy Sour Cherry - The Dracula Bop - https://hazysourcherry.bandcamp.com/
Darkside - Graucha Max - https://www.psychicspiralnothing.com/