X-Posure: 28 Sep 2024

Artist - Song - Link

IDestroy - Cable Cars On Everest - http://idestroyband.co.uk/
Bilk - On It - https://bilkband.co.uk/
Crystal Tides - Drive You Home - https://www.facebook.com/crystaltidesband/
Big Other - Explain It Again - https://big0ther.bandcamp.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] The Clause - Weekend Millionaire - https://www.theclause.co.uk/
[X-Posure Hot One] Good Health Good Wealth - Full Circle - https://www.goodhealthgoodwealth.com/
Nadia Reid - Changed Unchained - https://www.nadiareid.com/
[Session Guests] October Drift - Blame The Young - https://www.facebook.com/octoberdrift/
          [Session Guests: Interview w/ Kiran of October Drift]
[Session Guests] October Drift - Wallflower - https://www.facebook.com/octoberdrift/
Thandii - Nayland Rock - https://www.thandii.world/
Office for Personal Development - Risk To Benefit (Martyn Ware & Charles Stooke The Risky Mix) - https://www.opd.org.uk/
Desperate Journalist - You Say You're Lonely - https://desperatejournalist.co.uk/
[X-Posure Big One] Joshua Idehen - Mum Does The Washing - https://joshuaidehen.bandcamp.com/
B Of Briz - Ruminant Julius Caesar - https://www.bofbriz.com/
Alan Sparhawk - Feel Something - https://alansparhawk.bandcamp.com/
The Parallels - Not Working - https://www.theparallels.world/
[Session Guests] October Drift - Demons - https://www.facebook.com/octoberdrift/
Congratulations - Ice Tea - https://www.congratulationsband.com/
Fightmilk - That Thing You Did - https://fightmilkisaband.bandcamp.com/
The Jesus And Mary Chain - Pop Seeds - https://themarychain.com/
          [Interview Guest: Jim Reid of The Jesus And Mary Chain part 1]
The Jesus And Mary Chain - The Eagles And The Beatles - https://themarychain.com/
Great Gable - Best Friend - https://www.greatgablemusic.com/
The Jesus And Mary Chain - Venal Joy - https://themarychain.com/
          [Interview Guest: Jim Reid of The Jesus And Mary Chain part 2]
The Jesus And Mary Chain - Jamcod - https://themarychain.com/
Kaktus Einarsson - White Burn - https://www.kaktus.land/
The Jesus And Mary Chain - Pure Poor - https://themarychain.com/
          [Interview Guest: Jim Reid of The Jesus And Mary Chain part 3]
The Jesus And Mary Chain - Second Of June - https://themarychain.com/
Melin Melyn - Vitamin D - https://www.facebook.com/MelinMelynBand/
[Session Guests] October Drift - Everybody Breaks - https://www.facebook.com/octoberdrift/
Alexandra Leaving - Out Of This World - https://www.alexandraleaving.com/

Author - Book - Link

William & Jim Reid - Never Understood: The Jesus And Mary Chain - https://www.hachette.co.uk/titles/william-reid/never-understood/9781399604109/