X-Posure: 06 Sep 2024

Artist - Song - Link

Flat Party - Shotgun - https://www.facebook.com/flatpartyLDN/
Thank - Do It Badly - https://thankleeds.bandcamp.com/
Welly - Cul-De-Sac - https://www.instagram.com/worldwidewelly/
Wings Of Desire - Shut Up & Listen - https://www.wingsofdesire.co/
[X-Posure Hot One] Cassia - Heat - https://www.wearecassia.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] The Vices - Gold - https://www.thevicesofficial.com/
Hinds - Superstar - https://hinds.bandcamp.com/
[Session Guests] Thandii - Call It What You Like - https://www.thandii.world/
          [Session Guests: Message from Jess of Thandii]
[Session Guests] Thandii - It Only Takes 2 - https://www.thandii.world/
Airflo - With Me All The Time - https://www.facebook.com/airfloband/
Albertine Sarges - Stand Near Your Fire - https://www.albertinesarges.com/
Amelia And The Housewives - Spell - https://soundcloud.com/amelia-the-housewives/
Indoor Foxes - Church Music - https://indoorfoxes.com/
Thee Heart Tones - Forever & Ever - https://theehearttones.bandcamp.com/
Soft Launch - In My Bed - https://www.softlaunchmusic.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Elephant Kind - Lionel - https://www.elephantkindmusic.com/
[Session Guests] Thandii - Come As You - https://www.thandii.world/
Porridge Radio - Sick Of The Blues - https://porridgeradio.com/
Fat Dog - Vigilante - https://fatdogfatdogfatdog.com/
          [Interview Guests: Joe, Chris & Morgan of Fat Dog part 1]
Fat Dog - Closer To God - https://fatdogfatdogfatdog.com/
Fat Dog - Wither - https://fatdogfatdogfatdog.com/
Nick Ward - All Your Life - https://www.nickwardandfriends.com/
Michael B. Thomas - Relationship Advice - https://michaelbthomas.bandcamp.com/
Matt Edible & The Obtuse Angels - Triage - https://mattedible.bandcamp.com/
Man/Woman/Chainsaw - Ode To Clio - https://manwomanchainsaw.bandcamp.com/
Fat Dog - I Am The King - https://fatdogfatdogfatdog.com/
          [Interview Guests: Joe, Chris & Morgan of Fat Dog part 2]
Fat Dog - Running - https://fatdogfatdogfatdog.com/
Fat Dog - And So It Came To Pass - https://fatdogfatdogfatdog.com/
Hippo Campus - Paranoid - https://hippocampus.band/
[Session Guests] Thandii - Someone Else - https://www.thandii.world/
Los Bitchos - La Bomba - https://losbitchos.com/
Thee Heart Tones - It's Time - https://theehearttones.bandcamp.com/
Late Night Drive Home - Stress Relief - https://latenightdrivehome.com/
Tramhaus - Ffleur Hari - https://tramhaus.com/