X-Posure: 23 Aug 2024
Artist - Song - Link
Matilda Mann - Meet Cute - https://www.instagram.com/matildathemann/Fontaines D.C. - Favourite - https://fontainesdc.com/
Sun Mahshene - Turning Tide - https://sunmahshene.bandcamp.com/
Skegss - Out Of My Head - https://skegss.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] Beth McKenzie - She's Finally Lost It! - https://bethmckenzie.com/
Jasmine.4.t - Skin On Skin - https://www.jasmine4t.com/
Kate Nash - Misery - https://www.katenash.com/
[Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Kate Nash part 1]
[Live Studio Guest] Kate Nash - Millions Of Heartbeats - https://www.katenash.com/
[Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Kate Nash part 2]
Kate Nash - My Bile - https://www.katenash.com/
[Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Kate Nash part 3]
[Live Studio Guest] Kate Nash - Ray - https://www.katenash.com/
[Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Kate Nash part 4]
Kate Nash - These Feelings - https://www.katenash.com/
[Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Kate Nash part 5]
[Live Studio Guest] Kate Nash - Space Odyssey 2001 - https://www.katenash.com/
[Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Kate Nash part 6]
86TVs - Komorebi - https://www.86tvsband.com/
Folk Bitch Trio - God's A Different Sword - https://www.folkbitchtrio.com/
The Royston Club - The Patch Where Nothing Grows - https://theroystonclub.com/
[X-Posure Big One] The Breaks - Border Soil - https://www.instagram.com/thebreaksband/
Japandroids - Chicago - https://japandroids.com/
Fightmilk - No Souvenirs - https://fightmilkisaband.bandcamp.com/
Fontaines D.C. - In The Modern World - https://fontainesdc.com/
Ashaine White - White Flag - https://ashainewhite.com/
Torus - When It Comes - https://torusbanduk.bandcamp.com/
Enola Gay - Cortana - https://enolagay1.bandcamp.com/
Avalanche Party - Nuryev Said It Best - https://www.avalancheparty.com/
Keo - Crow - https://keoband.com/
Fontaines D.C. - Horseness Is The Whatness - https://fontainesdc.com/
Jack Cheshire - Let Go Lightly - https://jackcheshire.bandcamp.com/
The Rills - Your Dad's Car - https://rills.bandcamp.com/
Alt Blk Era - Straight To Heart - https://www.altblkera.com/
Gyrofield - Lagrange - https://gyrofield.bandcamp.com/
Koreless - Deceltica - https://koreless.com/
The Howl & The Hum - Dirt - https://www.thehowlandthehum.com/
Efe - 2000Seven - https://www.instagram.com/kawaii.mom/
Mekon, Alan Vega, Bobby Gillespie & Andy Mackay - Blood On The Moon (Rebuild) -
Alan Sparhawk - Get Still - https://alansparhawk.bandcamp.com/