X-Posure: 07 Jun 2024
Artist - Song - Link
Adwaith - MWY - https://www.adwaithmusic.com/Bride - Neil - https://www.instagram.com/brideband/
Orlando Weeks - Tomorrow - https://www.orlandoweeks.co.uk/
The Sherlocks - Death Of Me - https://www.thesherlocksmusic.co.uk/
[X-Posure Hot One] The Halfway Kid - Immigrant Song - https://www.thehalfwaykid.com/
86TVs - Tambourine - https://www.86tvsband.com/
The K's - Icarus - https://theks.band/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Jamie Boyle & Ryan Breslin of The K's part 1]
[Live Studio Guests] The K's - Heart On My Sleeve - https://theks.band/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Jamie Boyle & Ryan Breslin of The K's part 2]
The Dream Machine - Cindy's Eyes - https://www.facebook.com/DreamMachineHQ/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Jamie Boyle & Ryan Breslin of The K's part 3]
[Live Studio Guests] The K's - Hoping Maybe - https://theks.band/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Jamie Boyle & Ryan Breslin of The K's part 4]
[Live Studio Guests] The K's - Chancer - https://theks.band/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Jamie Boyle & Ryan Breslin of The K's part 5]
Fraulein - Pruning - https://www.fraulein.co.uk/
[X-Posure Big One] Honeyglaze - Don't - https://www.facebook.com/honeyglazemusic/
Soft Play - Everything And Nothing - https://www.softplayband.com/
Lambrini Girls - Body Of Mine - https://lambrinigirlsband.bandcamp.com/
The Horse Heads - WTF NGL - https://www.facebook.com/TheHorseHeads/
The Jesus Lizard - Hide & Seek - https://thejesuslizard.bandcamp.com/
Swim Deep - Glitter - https://www.facebook.com/SWIMDEEPUK/
Soft Launch - Piano Hands - https://www.softlaunchmusic.com/
Sailor Honeymoon - PMS Police - https://sailorhoneymoon.bandcamp.com/
Deap Vally - End Of The World (Deep Vally's Version) - https://deapvally.com/
[Interview Guests: Lindsey Troy & Julie Edwards of Deap Vally part 1]
Deap Vally - Procreate (Deep Vally's Version) - https://deapvally.com/
Frank Turner - Letters - https://www.frank-turner.com/
Scattered Ashes - Ether - https://scatteredashesdublin.com/
Yannis & The Yaw - Under The Strikes - http://yannisandtheyaw.com/
Divorce - My Room - https://divorcehq.co.uk/
Rat Boy - Suburbia Calling - https://www.instagram.com/ratboyratboy/
Deap Vally - It's My World - https://deapvally.com/
[Interview Guests: Lindsey Troy & Julie Edwards of Deap Vally part 2]
Deap Vally - Mannish Boy - https://deapvally.com/
[Interview Guests: Lindsey Troy & Julie Edwards of Deap Vally part 3]
Deap Vally - Cotton Candy - https://deapvally.com/
Kynsy - Money - https://www.kynsy.com/
Goat Girl - Words Fell Out - https://goatgirl.co.uk/
Dosiopath - Parade Of Yay - https://www.instagram.com/dosiopath_/
Fat White Family - Work - https://www.fatwhitefamilymusic.com/