X-Posure: 31 May 2024
Artist - Song - Link
Orlando Weeks, Rhian Teasdale - Dig - https://www.orlandoweeks.co.uk/Brave Liaison - No Two Sides The Same - https://www.facebook.com/BraveLiaison/
Belaganas - Let It Burn - https://www.belaganas.com/
The Kaisers - Shaking And Stomping - https://thekaisers.bandcamp.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] Megan Wyn - Waiting For A Reason - https://www.facebook.com/meganwynmusic/
[X-Posure Hot One] Honeyglaze - Don't - https://www.facebook.com/honeyglazemusic/
Hinds, Beck - Boom Boom Back - https://hinds.bandcamp.com/
Spangled - Swordfish Trauma - https://www.facebook.com/Spangledband/
Picture Parlour - Face In The Picture - https://www.facebook.com/pictureparlourband/
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Frogs - https://www.nickcave.com/
The Mysterines - Sink Ya Teeth - https://themysterines.com/
Wrex - This Hell Goes A Long Way Down - https://wearewrex.com/
Bad Nerves - Sorry - https://badnerves.co.uk/
Teenage Waitress - Cry Cry Cry - https://www.facebook.com/teenagewaitress/
Sasha Assad - Imagine Mary - https://www.instagram.com/sashaassad/
St. Vincent - Big Time Nothing - https://ilovestvincent.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Galliano - Circles Going Round The Sun - https://galliano.band/
Joshua Idehen - All You Can Do Is Try - https://joshuaidehen.bandcamp.com/
Richard Hawley - Have Love - https://www.richardhawley.co.uk/
[Interview Guest: Richard Hawley part 1]
Richard Hawley - People - https://www.richardhawley.co.uk/
Richard Hawley - Deep Space - https://www.richardhawley.co.uk/
[Interview Guest: Richard Hawley part 2]
Richard Hawley - Deep Waters - https://www.richardhawley.co.uk/
Radio Free Alice - 2010 - https://www.facebook.com/radiofreealiceband/
The Belair Lip Bombs - Say My Name - https://thebelairlipbombs.com/
Fat Dog - Running - https://fatdogfatdogfatdog.com/
Planningtorock - Get Your Fckin Laws Off My Body - https://www.planningtorockofficial.com/
Spatial Awareness - Dream Food - https://www.instagram.com/iamspatialawareness/
Willie J Healey - Apple - https://williejhealey.com/
Richard Hawley - When the Lights Go Out - https://www.richardhawley.co.uk/
[Interview Guest: Richard Hawley part 3]
Richard Hawley - Tis Night - https://www.richardhawley.co.uk/
Fever - Why Can't You Hear Me - https://www.facebook.com/feverbanduk/
Wakey Wakey Rise & Shine - Backseat Driver - https://wakeywakeyriseandshine.bandcamp.com/
Ed Cosens - Doghouse - https://www.facebook.com/edcosensmusic/
Dust - Trust U See - https://www.dust-band.com/
Big Warm Bed - Should've Seen It Coming - https://bigwarmbed.bandcamp.com/
Burr Island - Your Eyes, My Eyes - https://www.burrisland.co.uk/