X-Posure: 26 Apr 2024
Artist - Song - Link
Pet Needs - Trip - https://www.petneedsband.com/Punkband - Born Broke Break Croak - https://punkband.bandcamp.com/
Ezra Collective - Ajala - https://ezracollective.com/
Fraulein - Pruning - https://www.fraulein.co.uk/
[X-Posure Hot One] Our Girl - Relief - https://ourgirlband.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] Pier - The Harvest - https://www.facebook.com/pieronly/
Lip Filler - Followup - https://lipfiller.bandcamp.com/
Maruja - Connla's Well - https://marujaofficial.co.uk/
[Session Guests: Interview w/ Harry, Jacob, Joe & Matt of Maruja part 1]
[Session Guests] Maruja - The Invisible Man (Recorded At Low Four) - https://marujaofficial.co.uk/
[Session Guests: Interview w/ Harry, Jacob, Joe & Matt of Maruja part 2]
Bodega - Cultural Consumer III - https://www.bodega-band.com/
Fat White Family - What's That You Say - https://fatwhitefamilymusic.com/
[Session Guests: Interview w/ Harry, Jacob, Joe & Matt of Maruja part 3]
[Session Guests] Maruja - Zeitgeist (Recorded At Low Four) - https://marujaofficial.co.uk/
[Session Guests: Interview w/ Harry, Jacob, Joe & Matt of Maruja part 4]
Golden Bug, The Liminanas, Anna Jean - L'Effet Domino - https://goldenbug.bandcamp.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Adwaith - MWY - https://www.adwaithmusic.com/
Raff3rty - Wasting Time - https://soundcloud.com/radiated-games/
Raff3rty - Only Mine - https://soundcloud.com/radiated-games/
Porij - Don't Talk To Me - https://www.facebook.com/porijmusic/
St. Vincent - Big Time Nothing - https://ilovestvincent.com/
Kaeto - Don't Ask - instagram.com/katieeyo/
[Session Guests] Maruja - Rage (Recorded At Low Four) - https://marujaofficial.co.uk/
Amen Dunes - Boys - https://bedroomdrum.com/
Clarence & The Modern Life - Vampires - https://www.facebook.com/clarenceandthemodernlife/
[Session Guests] Maruja - Kakistocracy (Recorded At Low Four) - https://marujaofficial.co.uk/
October Drift - Blame The Young - https://www.facebook.com/octoberdrift/
The Lovely Eggs - Nothing/Everything - https://www.thelovelyeggs.co.uk/
Personal Trainer - Intangible - https://www.personaltrainertheband.com/
Pet Deaths - Love Has Won - https://www.petdeaths.co.uk/
Jane Weaver - Is Metal - https://janeweavermusic.com/
[Session Guests] Maruja - Thunder (Recorded At Low Four) - https://marujaofficial.co.uk/
Lauren Mayberry - Change Shapes - https://laurenmayberry.co.uk/
Red Rum Club - Godless - https://www.redrumclub.com/
Los Bitchos - La Bomba - https://losbitchos.com/
Billy Mahonie - Kaiju - https://billymahonie.bandcamp.com/
Alex Spencer - Fear Will Kill The Future - https://alexspencermusic.com/