X-Posure Daily: 06 Mar 2024
Artist - Song - Link
Sprints - Heavy - https://www.sprintsmusic.com/O. - Green Shirt - https://www.otheband.com/
Static Lives - Rush - https://staticlives.uk/
Charley Stone - A Scream - https://charleystone.bandcamp.com/
Mary In The Junkyard - Ghost - https://www.instagram.com/maryinthejunkyrd/
Blue Bendy - The Day I Said You'd Died (He Lives) - https://bluebendy.bandcamp.com/
Pillow Queens - Like A Lesson - https://www.pillowqueens.com/
Joe Armon-Jones, Hak Baker - Wrong Side Of Town - https://joearmonjones.com/
Japanese Television - Golden Birds - https://japanesetelevision.bandcamp.com/
John Bramwell - It's Just You - https://johnbramwell.com/
Holiday Ghosts - Big Congratulations - https://www.holidayghosts.co.uk/
Been Stellar - Passing Judgment - https://beenstellar.com/
Akrobat - Mosquito - http://akrobatband.com/
Blossoms, Findlay - To Do List (After The Breakup) (Vince Clarke Remix) - https://www.blossomsband.co.uk/