X-Posure: 29 Mar 2024
Artist - Song - Link
The Dream Machine - Frankenstein - https://www.facebook.com/DreamMachineHQ/Maximo Park - Favourite Songs - https://www.maximopark.com/
Crumbs - You're Just Jealous - https://crumbscrumbs.bandcamp.com/
Arab Strap - Strawberry Moon - https://www.arabstrap.scot/
Pave - Slow Movements - https://www.facebook.com/PaveBandOfficial/
[X-Posure Hot One] Bedroom Tax - Breathe - https://www.facebook.com/bedroomtaxmusic/
IDestroy - Headphones - http://idestroyband.co.uk/
Pet Needs - Self-Restraint - https://www.petneedsband.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Johnny, George & Ryan of Pet Needs part 1]
[Live Studio Guests] Pet Needs - Separation Anxiety - https://www.petneedsband.com/
Y Dail - Silly Boy - https://ydail.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Johnny, George & Ryan of Pet Needs part 2]
[Live Studio Guests] Pet Needs - Fingernails - https://www.petneedsband.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Johnny, George & Ryan of Pet Needs part 3]
Pet Needs - Trip - https://www.petneedsband.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Johnny, George & Ryan of Pet Needs part 4]
[Live Studio Guests] Pet Needs - How Are You? - https://www.petneedsband.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Johnny, George & Ryan of Pet Needs part 5]
Pet Needs - The Burning Building - https://www.petneedsband.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Pushpin - The Dance - https://www.pushpin.band/
Baggio - Soup - https://baggioband.bandcamp.com/
Annie-Dog - Double Cherry - https://www.instagram.com/anniedogmusic/
Ed Harcourt - Into The Loving Arms Of Your Enemy - https://edharcourtmusic.com/
Holiday Ghosts - Today's Headlines - https://www.holidayghosts.co.uk/
Ride - Stay Free - https://www.thebandride.com/
Sam Morton, Alabaster DePlume - Let's Walk In The Night - https://sammorton.bandcamp.com/
Jlin, Bjork - Borealis - https://www.jlintheinnovator.com/
Club Kuru - Gone Like A Flower - https://www.facebook.com/clubkuru/
Royel Otis - Foam - https://www.royelotis.com/
Arcade State - Lacuna - https://arcadestate.live/
Home Counties - Uptight - https://homecountiesband.com/
Kokoko! - Salaka Bien - https://www.kokokomusic.com/
I Monster - Won't Give You Love - https://imonstermusic.com/
Uzumaki - Ugly Hunger - https://uzumakisworld.bandcamp.com/
Fat Dads - Jenny - https://fatdadsband.bandcamp.com/
Jet Black Tulips - Young Love - https://www.facebook.com/JetBlackTulips/
Lambrini Girls - God's Country - https://lambrinigirlsband.bandcamp.com/
Sailor Honeymoon - PMS Police - https://www.instagram.com/sailorhoneymoon.kr/
Tracers - Push And Shove - https://www.facebook.com/vine.band12/
Lip Filler - Followup - https://lipfiller.bandcamp.com/
Anna Erhard - Botanical Garden - https://www.annaerhard.com/
Pastel - Dancing On A Pin - https://www.facebook.com/Pastelbanduk/
Magic Seas - Wide Awake - https://www.magicseas.net/
Chanel Beads - Idea June - https://chanelbeads.bandcamp.com/
Albertine Sarges - Free Today (Piano Version) - https://www.albertinesarges.com/