X-Posure: 16 Mar 2024

Artist - Song - Link

St. Vincent - Broken Man - https://ilovestvincent.com/
Billy Reeves - Soapbox! - https://soundcloud.com/billyreeves-music/
Joshua Epithet - So, This Is Living - https://www.instagram.com/joshuaepithet/
Nixer - The Book - https://nixerband.bandcamp.com/
Seagoth - Internet Cafe - https://seagoth.bandcamp.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] Jay Anderson - O Gone - https://www.instagram.com/jayandersonmusic/
Mary In The Junkyard - Ghost - https://www.instagram.com/maryinthejunkyrd/
DellaXOZ - Boring - https://www.instagram.com/dellaxoz/
          [Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ DellaXOZ part 1]
[Live Studio Guests] DellaXOZ - Don't Do It - https://www.instagram.com/dellaxoz/
          [Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ DellaXOZ part 2]
The Halfway Kid - Depressed With An Accent - https://www.thehalfwaykid.com/
          [Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ DellaXOZ part 3]
[Live Studio Guests] DellaXOZ - Come Again - https://www.instagram.com/dellaxoz/
          [Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ DellaXOZ part 4]
[Live Studio Guests] DellaXOZ - It's All Good Kid - https://www.instagram.com/dellaxoz/
          [Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ DellaXOZ part 5]
The Staves - I Don't Say It, But I Feel It - https://www.thestaves.com/
Vampire Weekend - Classical - https://www.vampireweekend.com/
[X-Posure Big One] O. - Green Shirt - https://www.otheband.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Bad Nerves - You've Got The Nerve - https://badnerves.co.uk/
Bad Breeding - Survival - https://badbreeding.bandcamp.com/
Play Dead - Damien Hirst Stole My Art - https://weareplaydead.bandcamp.com/
Grieving - Wiseau - https://grievingband.bandcamp.com/
Nerves - Leigue - https://nerves-ire.bandcamp.com/
Hermanos Gutierrez - Low Sun - https://www.hermanosgutierrez.ch/
Four Tet - Three Drums - https://www.fourtet.net/
Bill Ryder-Jones - I Hold Something In My Hand - https://billryderjones.co.uk/
High Llamas, Rae Morris - Sisters Friends - https://highllamas.com/
Jekyll - Trampled Ghosts - https://www.jekyllofficial.com/
Sprints - Heavy - https://www.sprintsmusic.com/
Regent - Beggars Belief - https://regentrockbandofficial.com/
Soft Play - Mirror Muscles - https://www.softplayband.com/
Diiv - Everyone Out - https://diiv.net/
Flypaper - Old Friend - https://flypaper.bandcamp.com/
Bull - Imaginary Conversations - https://bullband.bandcamp.com/
Gemma Cullingford - Early Hours - https://www.gemmacullingford.co.uk/
Pem - Awe - https://pemmusic.bandcamp.com/
Fraulein - Feels Like Flying (Night) - https://www.fraulein.co.uk/
Cowz - Bad News - https://www.instagram.com/wearecowz/
Coco And The Lost - Communicator - https://www.cocoandthelost.com/
Office For Personal Development - Risk To Benefit - https://www.opd.org.uk/
Colouring - How'd It Get So Real? - https://colouring.bandcamp.com/
USA Nails - Cathartic Entertainment - https://usanails.bandcamp.com/
Big Special - Butcher's Bin - https://bigspecial.co.uk/