X-Posure Daily: 18 Jan 2024
Artist - Song - Link
William Doyle - Now In Motion - https://www.william-doyle.co.uk/Salt Cathedral - Terminal Woes - https://saltcathedralmusic.com/
Enter Shikari, Jason Aalon Butler - Losing My Grip - https://www.entershikari.com/
Lucy Rose - The Racket - https://www.lucyrosemusic.com/
James - Is This Love - https://wearejames.com/
Jamie Webster - Sing Your Tears - https://www.jamiewebstermusic.com/
Fat Dads - Honey - https://fatdadsband.bandcamp.com/
Suki Waterhouse - OMG - https://sukiwaterhouse.tv/
J Mahon - Gold States - https://jmahon.bandcamp.com/
Tutara Peak, Winifred - Orbit - https://www.tutarapeak.com/
Cosmo Sheldrake - Stop The Music - https://www.cosmosheldrake.com/
Porij - My Only Love - https://www.facebook.com/porijmusic/
Dry Cleaning - Sit Down Meal - https://drycleaningband.com/
Kim Gordon - Bye Bye - https://kimaltheagordon.com/
Vegyn - The Path Less Traveled - https://vegyn.net/