X-Posure: 13 Jan 2024
Artist - Song - Link
Pip Blom - I Can Be Your Man - https://pipblom.com/Ride - Peace Sign - https://www.thebandride.com/
Middle Kids - Terrible News - https://www.middlekidsmusic.com/
The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) - https://theblackkeys.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] Joyce - Deja Vu - https://joycemakesmusic.bandcamp.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] Lehi - Shut The Door - https://www.instagram.com/thisislehi/
Thala - Honey (I Hope, You Understand) - https://thalaofficial.bandcamp.com/
[Session Guests] Folly Group - Pressure Pad - https://follygroup.bandcamp.com/
[Session Guests: Interview w/ Sean Harper of Folly Group]
[Session Guests] Folly Group - I'll Do What I Can - https://follygroup.bandcamp.com/
Jane Weaver - Love In Constant Spectacle - https://janeweavermusic.com/
Nabihah Iqbal - Dreamer - https://nabihahiqbal.com/
Chalk - The Gate - https://chalkbelfast.bandcamp.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Tom Auton - Self Destruct Shuffle - https://www.tomauton.com/
Polevaulter - Violently Ill - https://polevaulter.bandcamp.com/
Dizraeli - The Kid - https://www.dizraeli.com/
David Holmes, Raven Violet - Yeah x 3 - https://david-holmes.bandcamp.com/
Bill Ryder-Jones - I Know That It's Like This (Baby) - https://billryderjones.co.uk/
[Interview Guests: Bill Ryder-Jones part 1]
Bill Ryder-Jones - A Bad Wind Blows In My Heart pt. 3 - https://billryderjones.co.uk/
Kneecap, Grian Chatten - Better Way To Live - https://www.kneecap.ie/
[Session Guests] Folly Group - Nest - https://follygroup.bandcamp.com/
The Manatees - Buttercup - https://www.themanateesofficial.com/
Bilderbuch - Bluezone - https://bilderbuch-musik.at/
Pissed Jeans - Moving On - https://pissedjeans.bandcamp.com/
Bill Ryder-Jones - If Tomorrow Starts Without Me - https://billryderjones.co.uk/
[Interview Guests: Bill Ryder-Jones part 2]
Bill Ryder-Jones - We Don't Need Them - https://billryderjones.co.uk/
Gaffa Tape Sandy - Split - https://www.gaffatapesandy.co.uk/
Bill Ryder-Jones - Nothing To Be Done - https://billryderjones.co.uk/
[Interview Guests: Bill Ryder-Jones part 3]
Bill Ryder-Jones - It's Today Again - https://billryderjones.co.uk/
John - At Peacehaven - https://www.johntheband.co.uk/
[Session Guests] Folly Group - Strange Neighbour - https://follygroup.bandcamp.com/
Corinne Bailey Rae - He Will Follow You With His Eyes - https://corinnebaileyrae.com/