X-Posure Daily: 29 Nov 2023
Artist - Song - Link
Mold - Birdsong - https://moulditsmould.bandcamp.com/The Sleeping Souls - Scared Of Living - https://www.facebook.com/thesleepingsouls/
Danny Wright - Not Dead Yet - https://www.facebook.com/dannywrightuk/
Colour TV - You Treat This Place Like A Hotel - https://www.facebook.com/onourcolourtv/
Florence Rose - Isn't Life Beautiful - https://www.instagram.com/florenceros.e/
Sun Mahshene - Reverie - https://sunmahshene.bandcamp.com/
The Rolling People - Grateful For Nothing - https://www.facebook.com/p/The-Rolling-People-100083547399297/
Lime Cordiale - Pedestal - https://www.limecordiale.com/
Lucidvox - Naidiya - https://lucidvox-band.bandcamp.com/
Ghostwoman - Juan - https://ghost-woman.com/
Trampolene - Dreams So Rich, Life So Poor - https://www.trampolene.co.uk/
Loving - Medicine - https://www.lovingband.com/
Bon Aka Bon Music Vision, Xiaoqiao - Transparent - https://www.bonmusicvision.co/