X-Posure Daily: 18 Oct 2023
Artist - Song - Link
The Libertines - Run Run Run - https://www.thelibertines.com/Yumi And The Weather - Feed The Wanting - https://www.yumiandtheweather.com/
Future Utopia - Something Real - https://futureutopia.co.uk/
HotWax - High Tea - https://www.hotwaxofficial.com/
Kid Acne - Batman On Horseback - https://www.kidacne.com/
Ernie - Awfully Strange - https://erniethechef.co.uk/
CJ Pandit - Lost Language - https://www.facebook.com/cjpandit/
Tutara Peak - Gold In Autumn - https://www.tutarapeak.com/
BadBadNotGood, Charlotte Day Wilson - Sleeper - http://badbadnotgood.com/
Gglum - Splat! - https://www.gglum.com/
Girl And Girl - Dance Now - https://girlandgirl.bandcamp.com/
Seraphina Simone - Liverpool - https://www.facebook.com/SeraphinaSimone/
Honey Motel - The Matinee - https://www.facebook.com/honeymotelband/
Human Interest - All My Friends - https://humaninterest.bandcamp.com/
The David Tattersall Group - The Long Goodbye - https://thewavepictures.bandcamp.com/