X-Posure: 07 Oct 2023
Artist - Song - Link
Maxwell Varey - Ain't It Funny - https://www.facebook.com/maxwellvareyofficial/Sparkling - I Love You So - https://sparklingband.de/
Chilli Jesson - Icarus - https://www.chillijesson.com/
Really Good Time - Mountain Of Spit - https://www.facebook.com/reallygoodtimeband/
[X-Posure Hot One] Dust - False Narrative - https://www.dust-band.com/
Liz Lawrence, Steve Mason - I Was There - https://www.lizlawrencemusic.co.uk/
Teenage Sequence - D.I.S. Connect - https://www.teenagesequence.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Dewan-Dean Soomary aka Teenage Sequence part 1]
[Live Studio Guests] Teenage Sequence - All This Art - https://www.teenagesequence.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Dewan-Dean Soomary aka Teenage Sequence part 2]
Uninvited - Gonna Get Better - https://www.facebook.com/un1nvitedmusic/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Dewan-Dean Soomary aka Teenage Sequence part 3]
[Live Studio Guests] Teenage Sequence - I Can - https://www.teenagesequence.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Dewan-Dean Soomary aka Teenage Sequence part 4]
Human Interest - Step On - https://humaninterest.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Dewan-Dean Soomary aka Teenage Sequence part 5]
[Live Studio Guests] Teenage Sequence - Tell Me Your Name - https://www.teenagesequence.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Dewan-Dean Soomary aka Teenage Sequence part 6]
Coach Party - Be That Girl - https://coachparty.bandcamp.com/
The Manatees - Call You A Criminal - https://www.themanateesofficial.com/
His Lordship - Jackie Works For The NHS - https://hislordship.net/
Viji - Sedative - https://www.facebook.com/vijiwater/
Mirror Tree - 300 Miles - https://www.mirrortreemusic.com/
Tribes - Dad I'm Not A Tough Guy - https://www.facebook.com/tribesband/
Midlake & John Grant - You Don't Get To - https://midlakeband.com/
Coco And The Lost - Moonbird - https://www.cocoandthelost.com/
John, Barry Adamson - Riddley Scott Walker - https://www.johntheband.co.uk/
Humane The Moon - I Saw A Dog - https://www.instagram.com/humanethemoon/
Dead Pony - Cobra - https://www.deadponyband.com/
Yoke - Working Person - https://yoke-uk.bandcamp.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Shiny Brain Crayons - Noodles For Life - https://shinybraincrayons.bandcamp.com/
Cassia - Find My Way Round - https://www.wearecassia.com/
Matthew Progress - Gen Pop - https://www.instagram.com/matthewprogress/
Deary - Sleepsong - https://deary.bandcamp.com/
Coolgirl - Druid's Hood - https://coolgirl4lyfe.bandcamp.com/
Glasser - Vine - https://glasser.bandcamp.com/
Muva Of Earth - Heaven Hear Me Above - https://alignwithnaturesintelligence.com/
Jessica Winter & Jonathan Snipes - All I Need - https://www.jessicawinter.tv/
Chroma - Don't Wanna Go Out - https://www.chroma.band/
Hearts - Make Somebody Run - https://www.heartsband.com/