X-Posure: 15 Sep 2023
Artist - Song - Link
English Teacher - The World's Biggest Paving Slab - https://englishteacher.bandcamp.com/Bad Nerves - USA - https://badnerves.co.uk/
Slate - St Agatha - https://slatecaban.bandcamp.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] A Cause In Distress - Limbic Smog - https://acauseindistressuk.bandcamp.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] Ratbag - Exit Girl - https://www.instagram.com/worldofratbag/
[X-Posure Hot One] Mclusky - Unpopular Parts Of A Pig - https://mcluskymclusky.bandcamp.com/
Megan Wyn - You Don't Get It - https://www.facebook.com/meganwynmusic/
[Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Megan Wyn part 1]
[Live Studio Guest] Megan Wyn - Polaraid - https://www.facebook.com/meganwynmusic/
[Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Megan Wyn part 2]
BBY - Hotline - https://www.instagram.com/bbytheband/
[Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Megan Wyn part 3]
[Live Studio Guest] Megan Wyn - Familiar Faces - https://www.facebook.com/meganwynmusic/
[Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Megan Wyn part 4]
[Live Studio Guest] Megan Wyn - You Don't Get It - https://www.facebook.com/meganwynmusic/
[Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Megan Wyn part 5]
Orla Gartland - Kiss Ur Face Forever - https://orlagartland.com/
Dream Wife - Love You More - https://www.dreamwife.co/
Dirty Blonde - Don't Cry (It Doesn't Suit You) - https://www.facebook.com/wearedirtyblonde/
[X-Posure Big One] Fitzroy Holt - Tryna Find Him - https://fitzroyholt.co.uk/
Sterling Press - What Would You Do? - https://www.sterlingpressband.com/
Home Counties - Bethnal Green - https://www.facebook.com/homecountiesmusic/
Fidlar - Nudge - https://www.fidlarmusic.net/
Bombay Bicycle Club - Turn The World On - https://bombaybicycle.club/
Cassia - Find My Way Round - https://www.wearecassia.com/
Anna Erhard - 170 - https://www.annaerhard.com/
Al Costelloe - Shrink's Couch - https://alcostelloe.bandcamp.com/
Sufjan Stevens - Will Anybody Ever Love Me? - https://sufjan.com/
Goat - Join The Resistance - https://goat.bandcamp.com/
The Linda Lindas - Resolution / Revolution - https://www.thelindalindas.com/
Snake Eyes - Lean - https://www.wehavesnakeeyes.com/
Problem Patterns - Poverty Tourist - https://problempatterns.bandcamp.com/
Mclusky - The Digger You Deep - https://mcluskymclusky.bandcamp.com/
Lorelle Meets The Obsolete - Dinamo (Suuns Remix) - https://obsoletelorelle.bandcamp.com/
Dream Nails - Ballpit - https://dreamnailsband.co.uk/
Gallops - Hemlock Chaser - https://www.gallopsgallops.com/
Sextile - Lost Myself Again - https://sextile.app/
This Is War! - Pray - https://www.facebook.com/thisiswarband/
Bleach Lab - Nothing Left To Loose - https://www.bleachlab.com/
The Family Rain - It Ain't Easy Being Mean - https://www.facebook.com/thefamilyrain/
Animal Collective - Soul Capturer - https://myanimalhome.net/
The Guru Guru - Make Less Babies - https://theguruguru.com/
Lorelle Meets The Obsolete - Invisible (Immersion Remix) - https://obsoletelorelle.bandcamp.com/
Loraine James - I DM U - https://lorainejames.bandcamp.com/